Nikita Subin as a Kindergarten facilitator feels responsibility laying a solid foundation in a student’s life seeing they are the future of our nation. She believes that the communication skills should be enhanced of next generation at early age to facilitate their learning in a better way.
She is a certified ECCED and specialist in Jolly Phonics preschool teacher carrying experience of years in reputed schools.
She engages learners by taking care of the following:
Making it easier for learners to create more engaging lessons.
By conversing with children in their native language to build a repo and to understand them.
Foster leadership qualities.
By creating a fearless environment in the classroom.
Inculcating the values, like sharing, caring, etc
Her strengths:
Effective communication abilities.
Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Teamwork in the workplace
Leadership qualities
Information management and lifelong learning, section four
Entrepreneurial aptitude
Integrity, morals, and professionalism
Possessing leadership qualities.